#42 Strengthen Leadership Coalitions


Lunch with a co-worker from another team. A brief chat at the espresso bar. All that networking and talking about everyday issues often happens on the side.

A Leadership Coalition, as outlined in the “New Authority”concept, is a vital basis for being a successful leader. It’s about maintaining your good relationships and staying in touch even when working from home in order to ensure a strong relationship for today and the future.

Lunch with a colleague from another department, or a short chat at the café bar… Networking with colleagues and discussing everyday problems often happens on the side.


Meet regularly (also online) with your peers – a.k.a. your “leadership team.” Take the time to discuss the situation, current events, your challenges with remote leadership, or even content-related or technical topics. 

Exchange about best practices and stay in the loop. Collegial consultation could also be a helpful tool here. Strengthen each other through the exchange and get valuable impulses for (virtual) leadership.


Jointly schedule your leadership team meetings. They should be neither too seldom nor too frequent, but do aim for regularity. A 2-week interval is a good starting point. In order to achieve trustful cooperation, it is best to have a fixed, recurring time slot, which you can easily continue even after your time in the home office.

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