Do you remember when you moved to a new apartment/house? How great it was to throw things away, donate them, take them to the flea market and rearrange them.
Use the time now similarly and especially focus on your desk at home. It’s like moving to a different life with different routines and a different use of your rooms and furniture. Take the opportunity to resort yourself and think about what’s important in life – in terms of physical things, but also in terms of your values and habits.
Quite simple: Clear your desk and empty at least three shelves or other storage spaces near it. Pack everything into one or two boxes. When you start working at home make sure to have a completely empty desk. Gradually add the things you really need for your daily work. If you seem to be missing things, write them down on Post it’s and wait a certain amount of time. If you are still missing them at the end of the first full week, see if someone else in the household or your friends might have some to spare. If not, buy them. Find places on your shelf for the items you’ve shortlisted and make sure that the ones you use most are close by.
Enjoy your neat desk and make sure to clean it up in the evening or at the end of your daily work period. This is visually motivating, but it’s also helpful if you want to share your desk with other family members, such as your child for homework.