#22 Healthy lunch – No Time to Cook App


It’s not like you can’t see a trail to the fridge after two weeks working from home. Let’s eat some yoghurt, it’s time for a carrot (at best…). Food is always present. After three or four videoconferences and half a day in front of the screen, cooking often is not really that tempting. Especially at lunchtime it is important to acquire energy in the right way in order to be productive for the rest of the working day. It highly depends on the blood sugar level how concentrated and creative you are in the afternoon.


There are numerous possibilities to get inspired for a healthy lunch break, like books such as „No time to cook“, apps with quick recipes or numerous paperback publications about „healthy snacks“. You can also turn lunch into a team challenge: every day a different team member prepares a healthy snack and shares the ideas, pictures and recipes with the team. By collecting these a team cookbook with the title „Have a taste of us“ can be created, which can be handed out to new team members in the future. In the epilogue you can also publish the do’s and don’ts of the team.


Do not underestimate the importance of nutrition for your mental performance. In terms of mass, your brain requires ten times as much energy as the rest of your body. Since working from home especially means sitting at the computer, it is all the more important to eat healthy.