The inner circle represents the area over which we have direct control through our actions. The middle circle is the area we can influence through giving our support. And the outer circle is the area that „happens to us“ or is affecting us. We have neither influence nor control over it, like the weather.
In discussions these levels tend to get mixed up and often we get caught up in whining about the weather. An example: Today you’ve planned a big garden party and are making final preparations. Suddenly it starts bucketing down. Now you can curse about the rain and the messed-up party for hours or you can think about the „weather model“. Ask yourself: „What exactly can I do to fix the situation and save the party?“ For example, set up the three party tents that you store in the basement or place the barbeque underneath the carport. And: „What can I influence to save the party?“ For example, you could contact all guests and ask them to dress accordingly and not to be discouraged.
Use the same approach within your team if you notice that discussions revolve around the „weather“.